About Transcript Downloader

Transcript downloader grew out of a need to simplify the transcript downloading process from social media companies, who often offer a free yet limited option. Especially when trying to download in bulk, there were no simple to use tools for the average person or business to use. Therefore, we set out to create our own. This convenient tool allows users to transcribe transcriptions and format into a convenient file, as well as including automations via webhook. We hope you find it easy to use for downloading transcripts, and let us know of any updates you would like to see. Thank you!

How It Works

  1. Enter the channel URL. Wait for the list to be compiled.

  2. Navigate the database. Transcribe and format the item individually or in bulk. This consumes credits.

  3. Use the free credits included with your new account or add credits on the billing page.

  4. Download items individually or in bulk after transcription. Change what variables you would like included in the downloaded file on the settings page.

  5. Optional: visit channel settings to create a webhook to automatically send newly added items to an endpoint URL.


  • Yes, you can register a new account for free. You are provided a small balance to start so you can download a few transcripts for free.

  • No! You are billed on a per second basis and only pay for what you use. Consumption of your balance is never rounded up, and is calculated in our system in increments of 0.001 credits.

    An example of this would be having a 100.00 credit balance, and downloading a transcript for 0.005 credits. Your new balance is technically 99.995 credits, however only 99.99 credits will display in your current balance.

  • Adding saved channels to your history uses system resources. We therefore how to limit the number of saved channels based on your account balance and willingness to spend on the platform. Please add more funds in line with the details found on the pricing page.

  • The lowest funding option to add to your balance is our current minimum.

  • Yes! If you select a larger funding option, a free bonus amount will also be added to your balance. This is the equivalent to a discount towards future usage towards transcript downloads.

  • No, your account balance will never expire and will always be usable.

  • Please contact us and let us know the details of what happened so we can assist.

  • Some channels do not have a transcript available.

    If the channel’s title is in a different language than the actual content, sometimes ‘auto-detect’ language does not work. Try changing the language to the one being spoken.

    Our system does not charge the full amount if a transcript is unavailable.

  • Please let us know by contacting us what you would like and we can look into upgrading the platform to accommodate your request.

  • No, your account balance must stay with the platform and is non-refundable or redeemable. We would suggest starting your account with balances within range of what you feel you will be using.

  • Account balances are used to allocate towards future purchases. As a result, we do not offer any refunds.

  • Yes we intend on offering other platform services to transcript downloader in the future.

  • For instructions on how to use the API please read our documentation here

  • Last updated date will only change if new items are on the channel and have been added to the list of items. If the list of items is unchanged, then no update to the date will be displayed as it is pulling the same list as before.

  • Yes! Download English transcripts, German transcripts, French transcripts, Italian transcripts, Dutch transcripts, Hindi transcripts, Russian transcripts, Vietnamese transcripts, Spanish transcripts and others from multiple language channels

  • Visit the download settings page in your account. There is an example JSON file with all the variables to download and study. You may use the variables and their respective values to map it to their equivalents in your system.